Leading Sustainable Aviation Fuel Company | AIRCO

Leaders in Synthetic Fuel Technology

AIRCO is a world leader in carbon conversion technology, paving the way to global energy independence and security by turning carbon dioxide (CO₂) into fully formulated synthetic fuels. Our proprietary AIRMADE™ Technology is an adaptable platform that enables any industry to produce high-demand, fully-formulated synthetic fuels from CO₂ and hydrogen (H₂).

Currently focused on fuel applications, AIRCO aims to deploy the most cost-effective and scalable fuel production technology available.

The AIRCO Team

Founded in 2017 by Gregory Constantine and Dr. Stafford Sheehan, the AIRCO team has a core foundation in energy, tech, and defense. Our dynamic team of industry veterans brings deep expertise across all business areas. From R&D and engineering to operations, logistics, and policy, we leverage years of experience to develop scalable fuel innovation solutions.

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Government & Aviation Partners


R&D collaborators


AIRMADE® SAF customers and corporate funding backers

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