ENCLOSURECORE Conceptual Enclosures for our AIRMADE™ Technology
ENCLOSURECORE Conceptual Enclosures for our AIRMADE™ Technology
When you look at our AIRMADE™ System, you see a complex piece of machinery that does something very simple: converts CO2, our most problematic greenhouse gas, into high-quality, sustainable chemicals and fuels. There are tubes, pipes, gauges and dials. However, it’s not just a piece of technology that should be tucked away behind closed doors. The AIRMADE System is so much more than what it appears to be. It is a real climate solution designed to decarbonize industries and lower GHG emissions globally. It is modular, scalable and can work anywhere in the world (and beyond!). For that reason, when you look at our technology, we want you to be able to visualize the promise of a bigger mission. It should tell a story and be perceived by the world as the innovative climate solution that it really is.
To bring this to life, we developed three conceptual enclosures for the AIRMADE™️ System in collaboration with three design studios. Each studio focused on highlighting different aspects of our technology to create their digital enclosure for the system: its unlimited CO2 feedstock, its modular and scalable design and its high-quality, sustainable product output.
These enclosures are purely speculative; they ask what would happen if we had no constraints on what we could make and could think freely about what they could be. We hope you enjoy this educational journey as much as we enjoyed creating it.


1 Input — PROWL

2 Modular & Scalable – Toolhouse

3 Output – Modem