Conceptual Packaging I: Void

Conceptual Packaging I: Void


How can we do more with less? More so, can something be done with the things we already have? At AIR COMPANY, we have established our ability to take natural elements and utilize them to solve problems, but can the same be done for packaging? With a product marketplace plagued by a disposable ethos and centered around fiberboard, paper, glue, magnets, plastic coatings—you name it—we wanted to flip the script and explore using what nature has already given us.  

This first exploration delves into the fundamentally additive process of traditional package creation—that heavily relies on placing one material on top of another—and explores the contrary possibility of a subtractive process that prioritizes using natural elements in their raw form and reducing them to create sustainable packaging solutions.

At AIR COMPANY, we recognize the need to challenge ourselves and generate creative climate solutions across industries. This exercise will knowingly result in some furled eyebrows and bring climate naysayers eagerly to their keyboards, but hey, at least they will be talking about it, right? If this endeavor fosters any conversation around how we can collectively challenge ourselves to look inward and start generating creative climate solutions, we’ll consider it a success.

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