Ep. 02 — Our Progression from B2C to B2B

Ep. 02
Our Progression from B2C to B2B

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Ask most people familiar with AIR COMPANY, and chances are their introduction to our brand came through our early consumer products—AIR Vodka and AIR Eau de Parfum. To us, that’s a sign of success because while at our core we are a carbon technology company, our strategy has always been to engage people through consumer goods that served not only as proof of our technology—a way to see, hold, taste or wear a product created from CO2—but as a way for us to fund the research and development of our technology. 

For our early supporters, it may not have been obvious that while they were sipping on martinis made using our vodka, we were hard at work in our lab and facilities, focused on advancing our technology to create fuels—more specifically, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

As we shift our focus more toward the B2B side of our business, we’re entering an exciting phase of evolution as a brand. Big changes are on the horizon, and we can’t wait to share them with you. Get ready for what’s next!

In the meantime, we have two more episodes from our “Clearing the Air” series to share, so continue to stay tuned here or on Greg’s LinkedIn.

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